Hey there!

I’m Andrae, and I love getting to serve people – especially when it comes to reminding technology that it’s also supposed to help people and not hinder them.

I’ve been fascinated with Tech and the IT industry since college, and I enjoy digging in to understand how it all works together. Technology has changed and grown in leaps and bounds over the last 20 years, and it is incredibly fun for me to be a part of. But I know it’s not everyone else’s passion. Once I realized that my desire to serve others and for fixing and optimizing tech complimented each other really well, I was given the opportunity to be the sole IT guy for one organization for 3 years before finding myself at Ultrex.

Getting to use my IT expertise to help churches, nonprofits, and businesses alike is incredibly special. Everyone has an important role to play in making this world better, and if I can help you get back to doing what you do best by taking care of your IT needs with my team, I’m excited to do so!